Operations of the Other Bins

When a non-fast chunk is freed, it gets put into the Unsorted Bin. When new chunks are requested, glibc looks at all of the bins

  • If the requested size is fastbin size, check the corresponding fastbin

    • If there is a chunk in it, return it

  • If the requested chunk is of smallbin size, check the corresponding smallbin

    • If there is a chunk in it, return it

  • If the requested chunk is large (of largebin size), we first consolidate the largebins with malloc_consolidate(). We will get into the mechanisms of this at a later point, but essentially I lied earlier - fastbins do consolidate, but not on freeing!

  • Finally, we iterate through the chunks in the unsorted bin

    • If it is empty, we service the request through making the heap larger by moving the top chunk back and making space

  • If the requested size is equal to the size of the chunk in the bin, return the chunk

  • If it's smaller, split the chunk in the bin in two and return a portion of the correct size

  • If it's larger,

One thing that is very easy to forget is what happens on allocation and what happens on freeing, as it can be a bit counter-intuitive. For example, the fastbin consolidation is triggered from an allocation!

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