Multi-party RSA with Small e

Assuming ee is constant between the messages and the message mm is sent to at least ee people, we can use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to retrieve mm.

In single-party RSA, we calculate c=memodNc = m^e \mod N. Let's pretend this is extrapolated to 3 people:

me=c1modN1me=c2modN2me=c3modN3m^e = c_1 \mod N_1 \\ m^e = c_2 \mod N_2 \\ m^e = c_3 \mod N_3 \\

​The Chinese Remainder Theorem allows us to solve this congruence modN1N2N3\mod N_1N_2N_3. Since m<minN1,N2,N3m < \min{N_1, N_2, N_3}, we know that me<N1N2N3m^e < N_1N_2N_3. Once we use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to compute memodN1N2N3m^e \mod N_1N_2N_3, we just take the eeth root to retrieve mm.​

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